Tuesday, December 13, 2016

LT ☛ Review The Best Business Writing 2015 (Columbia Journalism Review Books) DOC by Columbia University Press eBook free

The Best Business Writing 2015 (Columbia Journalism Review Books) The stories in this volume explore new frontiers in the way we do chores, eat takeout, order online, and dumpster-dive, showcasing business's rapid evolution under the influence of new technologies. Offering clear-eyed assessments of these

The Best Business Writing 2015 (Columbia Journalism Review Books)

The Best Business Writing 2015 (Columbia Journalism Review Books)

TITLE:The Best Business Writing 2015 (Columbia Journalism Review Books)
AUTHOR:Columbia University Press
RATING:4.61 (539 Votes)
NUMBER of PAGES:400 Pages
PUBLISH DATE:2015-12-08

Corporate monopolies, gross mismanagement, retail delivery drones, the growing app economy2015 was a year of profound changes in the world of business and finance. Offering clear-eyed assessments of these developments along with compelling profiles and muckraking reports, the incisive articles in this volume provide an essential guide for understanding business's influence on economics, politics, and culture. Selections include Sarah Maslin Nir's explosive exposé of the nail-salon industry in the New York Times and the Associated Press's disheartening investigation into slave-labor practices abroad. The stories in this volume explore new frontiers in the way we do chores, eat takeout, order online, and dumpster-dive, showcasing business's rapid evolution under the influence of new technologies. Profiles include the amusing portrait of a young investor who made a fortune bet

Editorial : About the AuthorDean Starkman is based in New York and covers Wall Street as a staff writer for the Los Angeles Times. He is also a fellow with the Center for Media, Data, and Society at Central European University's School of Public Policy in Budapest, Hungary. He has won numerous national and regional journalism awards and helped lead the Providence Journal to the 1994 Pulitzer Prize for Investigations.

Martha M. Hamilton is a former writer, editor, and columnist for the Washington Post who now works for the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.

Ryan Chittum is a contributing editor to the Columbia Journalism Review and a former reporter for the Wall Street Journal. He has written for numerous other publications, including the New York Times.

The honest care the author takes in describing the places and people of his long life is so comforting, it is a struggle to believe that one person can live the 'scenes' in his life in such peace. Pete Peterson's "The Education of an American Dreamer" is a summer reading book with extreme relevance to the worlds of business, finance, and public policy in the summer of 2009. I'm a C student in my nursing program, I don't know anything after I graduated, this book covered everything that you can possibly imagine on the nclex. Those two guys go great together. Very intricate . If you like to look at the world with the veneer washed off, this book is for you!. The color is very accurate (unlike an earlier, smaller book of his work). Fanatiker, die als Gottes Soldaten jeden Befehl umsetzen, ohne ihn infrage zu stellen. Bourdain lays out the reality of this cuisine in a way I have never seen b

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