Saturday, July 9, 2016

Get ˃ You, Fascinating You PDF by Germaine W. Shames eBook or Kindle ePUB Online

You, Fascinating You You, Fascinating You begins as a backstage romance and ends as an epic triumph of the human spirit. Editor's Choice, Historica." The German version, "Du Immer Wieder Du," would be performed by Zarah Leander, the foremost film star of the G

You, Fascinating You

You, Fascinating You

TITLE:You, Fascinating You
AUTHOR:Germaine W. Shames
RATING:4.70 (806 Votes)
NUMBER of PAGES:258 Pages
PUBLISH DATE:2012-03-24

In the final weeks of 1938, in the shadow of Kristallnacht and imminent war, a heartsick Italian maestro wrote a love song called "Tu Solamente Tu." Its lyrics lamented his forced separation from his wife, the Hungarian ballerina Margit Wolf, in the wake of Mussolini's edict banishing foreign Jews from Italy. The song, first recorded by Vittorio de Sica in 1939, catapulted to the top of the Hit Parade and earned its composer the moniker "the Italian Cole Porter." The German version, "Du Immer Wieder Du," would be performed by Zarah Leander, the foremost film star of the German Reich, and its English counterpart, "You, Fascinating You," by the Glenn Miller Army Air Force Band. Twenty-two years would pass before the maestro and his ballerina again met face-to-face. You, Fascinating You begins as a backstage romance and ends as an epic triumph of the human spirit. Editor's Choice, Historica

Editorial : From the Author To tell all the stories that transit my imagination, I would need a hundred lifetimes. My novels have each taken years to complete. You, Fascinating You has consumed fully one-tenth of my life. Its seed was planted more than twenty years ago, when I first met Cesare Frustaci.Reflecting later upon that meeting, I identified Cesare's defining feature: regardless of where he made his home he was unplaceable. He spoke with an accent, not Hungarian exactly, but not Italian either. Unlike his fellow émigrés, he had no wistful memories of Hungary, no desire to return.I remember sharing a meal with him in a restaurant. There was something about the way he ate I had never before observed: although his table manners could not have been more refined, he appeared to be starving. Immediately upon finishing a course, he would signal the waitress

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My daughter sat through the story and has asked for it since our initial reading. Instead of fear, i use encouragement to inspire my 5 year old daughter to do things. She is such an enigma the argument as to her guilt or innocence will go on forever. The first, best known, reporting effort by Mr. Their newfound love was

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