Saturday, November 5, 2016

TL Read ж Learning Drums: Learn how to play Drums the Smart Way! DOC by Chris Traylor Kindle ePUB online free

Learning Drums: Learn how to play Drums the Smart Way! The Icons of Rock series provides a solid foundation and understanding of your instrument, the Smart Way! Learning Drums is a detailed course into playing the drums, designed to take absolute beginners into intermediate levels, lesson by le

Learning Drums: Learn how to play Drums the Smart Way!

Learning Drums: Learn how to play Drums the Smart Way!

TITLE:Learning Drums: Learn how to play Drums the Smart Way!
AUTHOR:Chris Traylor
RATING:4.88 (969 Votes)
NUMBER of PAGES:80 Pages
PUBLISH DATE:2007-09-25

The Icons of Rock series provides a solid foundation and understanding of your instrument, the Smart Way! Learning Drums is a detailed course into playing the drums, designed to take absolute beginners into intermediate levels, lesson by lesson. This book comes complete with over 2-1/2 hours of DVD instruction with Chris Traylor and Alan Schechner. Section 1: Beginning Drums with Chris Traylor. Chris has performed in many SF Bay Area bands including Semi Deluxe, and the Reflex Blues Band. This section covers everything a beginner needs to know to understand how to play the drums including: Notating Rhythms, Triplet Patterns, Cymbal Techniques, Shuffle Patterns, Rudiments, Quadruplet Patterns, Rock Beats, Enhanced Fills, and more. Section 2: Coordination and Groove with Alan Schechner. Alan reveals his unique before-and-after system, Transformations. Learn, step-by-step, how to transform

Editorial : "There are few amazing drummers out there who can teach at the same high level as their drumming ability. Alan Schechner is one of those rare people who can do that. If you are serious about drumming, you need to have this !!!" - --Jeremy Colson (Steve Vai, Marty Friedman, Michael Shenker)

All these outstanding instructional books in the Icons of Rock series are well thought out, clearly presented, and highly recommended for self study. --Mid West Book Review

"There are few amazing drummers out there who can teach at the same high level as their drumming ability. Alan Schechner is one of those rare people who can do that. If you are serious about drumming, you need to have this !!!" - --Jeremy Colson (Steve Vai, Marty Friedman, Michael Shenker)

"There are few amazing drummers out there who can teach at the same high level as their drumming ability. Alan S

Excellent book giving a great deal of info on this special effort by the Brits during WWII. And CHANCE ENCOUNTER is no exception – I loved this book from start to finish, and it definitely wins a spot on my “favorites” list.. The editor has published another book - "A Practical Approach to Strength Training - that describes in detail many exercises. It's a vivid mix of nature writing and the best poetry. Whoever really loves literature, whoever really loves movies, should read that book.

In a way, it’s almost like a transubstantiation, like in religion, where the observer becomes almost the object—in this case the falcon—he observes. Family therapy philosophy was reviewed, and the authors discussed the Communications Model, Systems Model, Structural Model and Social Learning Model. Of course, healing is a process and not a static destination

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