Wednesday, April 6, 2016

TL Read ➜ Mosby's PDQ for NCLEX-RN®, 1e DOC by Mosby eBook or Kindle ePUB online free

Mosby's PDQ for NCLEX-RN®, 1e It’s the only portable guide with a Question Dissector that breaks down sample questions to help you find the correct answer, by highlighting key terms and offering helpful hints along with answers and rationales.Pocket-sized and eas

TITLE:Mosby's PDQ for NCLEX-RN®, 1e
RATING:4.92 (718 Votes)
FORMAT TYPE:Spiral-bound
NUMBER of PAGES:192 Pages
PUBLISH DATE:2008-04-08

Mosby's PDQ for NCLEX-RN®, 1e

Mosby's PDQ for NCLEX-RN®, 1e

Pocket-sized and easy to use, this study guide to the NCLEX-RN® examination offers valuable test-taking strategies and tools. It’s the only portable guide with a Question Dissector that breaks down sample questions to help you find the correct answer, by highlighting key terms and offering helpful hints along with answers and rationales. NCLEX exam-style questions include all types of alternate item formats such as multiple choice, Select All That Apply, Hot Spots, and Fill in the Blank questions. A mini CD-ROM gives students the opportunity to answer even more practice questions on the computer!

  • A unique Question Dissector helps you find the right answer by deconstructing questions, and includes both answers and rationales.
  • The pocket size, spiral binding, and durable, water-resistant pages make this guide convenient and easy to carry.
  • A flashcard forma


    REVIEW :

    I bought this book because I thought I had found another perfect book for my bilingual son. This would actually be a very good case study for business managers contemplating corporate joint ventures. After an initial, excited read, I've reread most all of these essays more than once, drawn to the beautiful, incisive clarity of his prose and thought. One cannot reach the last page of Hoppe's The Great Fiction without being humbled by his rigorous logic and lucidity. Extremely inaccurate. Those candidates who follow these meticulous steps will surely see success, and feel better about the job transition process. I am sure your child with be delighted with this book.

    I highly recommend this book. I personally find Bourdain's stockmaking recipes as good or better than any I have seen short of the CIA textbook. They had one complaint as seniors. Second cousin at best - it was Tsari

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